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​Hello! I am Mahogany Daviosn and I am Currently a 2nd semster student at American University. I am Majoring in Communications and minoring in Evironmental Science. 


My experience I Visual Literacy has shaped the way I presnt my work. When I decided to take Visual Literacy, I just took it becuase it was part of my major. I did not think much of the class. However, going through it really changed my perception of how I see thins and It has taught me so much about making my work aesthetically pleasing. From the various projects, it has taught me about what color work with each other, how camera angles and camera techniques can convey different feelings, and I even learned about ethics. At first, these things may not seem impotant, but once I took the class I realized all of those componets is what enhanced my work and made it better. It made me think of the purpose of my work and what message am I trying to convey with my audience. From this I can continue to improve my work in the future. 

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